Derbyshire on Film The Peak District, produced and edited by acclaimed filmmaker Andy McKay is a series of films adapted from the Media Archive for Central England which have been enhanced, re-edited and themed to illustrate life in this mesmerising county.
In this DVD you will see Gwyn Richards tell the tale of the flooding of Derwent Village and Ashopton to make way for Ladybower Reservoir; see the blizzards of 1938 and hear the snow poem by Derbyshire poet Mark Gwynne Jones; watch the quarrying and cutting of Blue John; hear memories of those who took part in the mass trespass of 1932; look back at Chatsworth and Haddon Hall in the 1960s and families enjoying the countryside in the 1950s and 1960s; marvel at how little Dovedale has changed since the 1930s.
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